
Mark Lyndon-Jones

It’s significant and powerful when men pray

MPower national leader Mark Lyndon-Jones explains why prayer is top of the agenda this year and how you can be part of it.

In his pastoral letter to the young pastor Timothy, who found himself in a particularly challenging situation, the Apostle Paul made a powerful statement regarding men and prayer: “Therefore I want the men everywhere to pray, lifting up holy hands without anger or disputing.” (1 Timothy 2:8)

In all our plans for the coming year, it could be easy to overlook referring to God through prayer, and just crack on with our good ideas, aided by the creative use of social media and all the electronic tools at our disposal to communicate our forthcoming strategies and plans for the future.

We live in a world where information is easily accessed through the power of the Internet – where our strategies and events can be relayed to an audience instantaneously.

There are many advantages to such technology aiding the advancement of the gospel, of course.

There will no doubt be a plethora of opportunities available to us in the coming year that will develop, disciple and equip us for leadership in our vocations, businesses and ministry for the challenges ahead.

But as one wise leader to another young leader implored, “I urge then first of all that requests, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for everyone…” (1 Timothy 2:1); the result is that, “this is good, and pleases God our Saviour, who wants all men to be saved and come to a full knowledge of the truth.” (1 Timothy 2:3-4)

As I reflect on what Paul urges, that ‘first of all requests, prayers and intercession be made’, I am reminded that it’s significant and powerful when men pray. James reminds us that the prayers of a righteous man are powerful and effective.” (James 5:16)  It is a great way to start the year.

Increasingly, I’m sensing the Lord calling us as men to pray. There have been some great moments in my experience of men’s ministry over the last 12 years or so, when I’ve joined together with a small band of brothers and specifically prayed for men to come to faith – those we know, sons, brothers, fathers, workmates, teammates and others in our circles of influence – and as we have been deliberate and intentional in seeking the face of God for these souls… guess what?

God has answered our prayers and we have seen men once far from God draw near to him and invite him into their lives, and soon thereafter begin doing life with a band of brothers, perpetuating the cycle of salvation and discipleship.

And so, I began to imagine what would happen if the men of our Movement began to mobilise in prayer for the souls of men. Up and down the countrymen are beginning to seek God’s face for those guys not quite connected to your churches, to your men’s group, or to Christ.

I’m hearing of a few MPower groups in Elim churches across the nation who have taken up Paul’s challenge to ‘first of all’ seek God’s face to pray and intercede for men everywhere; for business and ministry leaders everywhere; for families everywhere; for churches everywhere; for towns and cities everywhere; for nations across the globe; and like the Psalmist wait in expectation for the answer, (Psalm 5:3).

There’ll be more on this Holy Spirit-prompted initiative during 2018 – with opportunities to join other men in prayer across the UK.

Imagine the results for our families, churches, disciples, nations and leaders if all men prayed!

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